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PWM Converters provide a compact solution for converting digital pulse width modulated (PWM) signal into current or current into PWM.

Unit of Measure


Order Code

N/A P/N: IPWM-DR-200mA (0-200mA to PWM)

Operating Voltage

N/A 24VDC Nominal (15...45VDC)


N/A DR12, DIN Rail Mount, Polycarbonate
2.95 x 3.88 x 0.89 inches
75 x 98.5 x 22.5 mm (W x H x D)


N/A #14-24 AWG Screw Terminals

Protection Rating

N/A IP20 Rated Terminals
IP40 Rated Housing

Operating Temperature

N/A 0 to 95% Relative Humidity -40 to 85 ºC-40 to 185 ºF


N/A Reverse Polarity Protection Provided. Transient Protection Provided.


N/A Industrial Controls Mobile Equipment

Voltage Input

N/A Low <1.5V
High >3.5V (50V max.)
TTL and CMOS Compatible

Response Time Output

N/A <10 mSec.


N/A Offset (Zero) and Span
Trim Pots are 10 Turn
CW = Increasing (Offset)
CCW = Increasing (Span)
Factory Settings: 0 mA (5% PWM)
200 mA (90% PWM)
PWM Output can be Measured Using a Multi-meter (With a PWM Measurement Feature)

Input Impedance

N/A 5 Ohms

PWM Output

N/A PWM 485 Hz +/- 10%
5-90% (Variable Active High)
Open Collector
Over-Current Protection

Current Input

N/A Fully Isolated 0 - 200 mA

Output Voltage (Low)

N/A 0.3 Vdc or Less at 1 mA 0.7 Vdc or Less at 10 mA

Output Voltage (High)

N/A 30 Vdc or Less at <10 mA

Product Documents


N/A IPWM-DR PWM Converter Datasheet

STEP Files (3D)

N/A JIT-DR-12-generic


N/A LVD - DoC - All
RoHS - DoC - All